
365 Days...

365 days ago my arms held you for the first time. 365 days ago my love grew again by leaps and bounds, multiplying more than I thought could happen truthfully. 365 days ago I laid eyes on you as my heart swallowed every ounce of my being in that moment. 365 days ago I became your mom and you became my sweet baby Lailah.

365 days isn't quite long enough to have you as my little baby. 365 days goes way too fast and I can't believe we are here, already. I have had 365 days already to love you, care for you, kiss and cuddle you, giggle and smile with you, laugh and hold you, cradle and protect you. It's been 365 days with you by my side.

It's been 365 days of cherished and truthful moments. 365 days of wishing for time to stand still, just awhile longer. 365 days of wishing I could bottle up every single moment inside my heart, to never forget. 365 days of the last first, and the firsts one last time. 365 days of watching you grow more beautiful, curious and lovely. It's been 365 days of joy with you my darling. 365 days of pure, beautiful bliss...

365 days of watching you wonder about the world around you, watching your sense of love for others grown and you change right before my very eyes. 365 days of you being my joy and 365 days of being your mama. It's been 365 days of wondering how I got so lucky to call you mine.

Looking forward to the next 365 days of adventure, wonder, love, growth, curiosity and so much more. Happy Birthday to you baby girl.... I love you...


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